Gaspi rides the wall of death on his e-bike

Le Mur De La Mort, aka the wall of death, is something we usually see people attempt on a motorbike, but Richard Gasperotti (Gaspi) isn't someone who is discouraged by such things. Gaspi is a man that has ridden active volcanoes, attempted a world speed record and ridden 250m underground in a coal mine. What's the wall of death to him?
Gaspi might just be the first person in the world to ride the wall of death on an e-bike bit it's not something that came easy as he had a few bad offs before finally getting the hang of things. According to the leader of the circus group touring with the Wall of Death, riding it is something that can take up to six months to master, Gaspi managed the basics in one afternoon.
"I've wanted to try the Wall of Death ride since I was a little boy when I first saw pictures of the attraction. However, I never imagined how challenging the Wall of Death ride would be." - Richard Gasperotti