Team ORCC: Cyclocross goes enduro

We're now three months into Team ORCC and the team has been busy training and preparing for their seasons while for one or two of us, racing has well and truly started. This month, Liam C and myself get together to see if some enduro tips could help out in Liam C's cyclocross season, Brad gets a podium and Matt gives us a sneaky preview of the Battle on the Beach course.
- Meet Team ORCC -'s very own amateur race team
- Team ORCC: The guys get training
- Big Read: Racing after lockdown - Liam's Ex Enduro diary
Liam C and Liam M
Can the techniques of enduro come in handy in cyclocross? Well Liam C and I took to the trails to see if some proper mountain biking could come of benefit before Liam C's season starts off. I took the lycra-clad cyclocrosser through some of the fundamentals of mountain biking, so that's cornering and pumping, drops, and line choice. Hopefully, all of those newly learned skills will give him a few tricks up his sleeves when he's elbow to elbow on the cyclocross circuit.
After an unfortunately mucky event at Hog Hill, the sun came out for Brad's most recent cross country race, and as it turns out the sun was a good omen as things went pretty well for him. Hopefully, this is the start of things to come! Even though he had a good result, there was still a lesson or two to be learned.
If you hadn't known already, Matt is the man behind the madness that is Battle on the Beach. In this episode, he gives us a very handy preview of what to expect, showing us some snippets of the track itself and offering some tips, and tyre choices to Brad who'll be looking to continue his high of good results. If you're attending Battle on the Beach yourself this is definitely worth a watch if you're looking for the upper hand.