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Liam Mercer

Tech Editor here at Liam can also be found photographing bikes as well as revelling in cycling's intricacies. Whether it's gravel, mountain, or e-MTB as long as it's a bike on dirt, he's happy.


Liam Mercer's picture
4 years 7 months ago

What makes this pump more useful for gravel bikes is that it delivers its air at a high pressure which is more suitable for skinny tyres and higher pressures. You're right in saying it's not one you would take on a ride but it might be one that you leave in the car for your pre ride set up!

flobble wrote:



bechdan wrote:


The issue I have with the vast majority of track pumps, (just like most car odometers) is that the scale is way beyond what any user needs, thereby making incremental readings unreadable.

Who inflates their tyres to 160 psi? nobody.



There's a clue in the name... track riders use track pumps to inflate the tyres to high pressures on their track bikes.

I'm curious why the review suggests this pump is especially useful for gravel bikes. It's not like you take it with you on the ride...


4 years 7 months ago

bechdan wrote:

The issue I have with the vast majority of track pumps, (just like most car odometers) is that the scale is way beyond what any user needs, thereby making incremental readings unreadable.

Who inflates their tyres to 160 psi? nobody.

There's a clue in the name... track riders use track pumps to inflate the tyres to high pressures on their track bikes.

I'm curious why the review suggests this pump is especially useful for gravel bikes. It's not like you take it with you on the ride...

4 years 7 months ago

The issue I have with the vast majority of track pumps, (just like most car odometers) is that the scale is way beyond what any user needs, thereby making incremental readings unreadable.

Who inflates their tyres to 160 psi? nobody. Why not make specific pumps for road, gravel, mountain and fat (there are some fat pumps already which is awesome!) for example

Road track pump dial reads 0-120psi

Gravel track pump dial reads 0-80psi

Mountain track pump dial 0-40 psi

Fat track pump (as they do) 0-30psi

That way you get a usable reading for each type within 1 or 2 psi

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