- Good price
- Effective
- Smells great!
- Foamy spray can be a little unweildy
Juice Lubes’ Dirt Juice is an effective cleaner at a good price, foams up easily and is biodegradable. It also won't harm any seals (don't spray them in the face though, they get grumpy) and won't contaminate your brake pads either. The spray head could deliver more coverage, though.
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Dirt Juice has a whole load of properties making it hard not to like. It’s kind to rubber, non-damaging to wildlife and it doesn’t wreck your brake pads. It also smells of coconut… nice!
Rather than a liquid spray like many other cleaners, Dirt Juice comes out as a foam and stays puffed up for up to five minutes.
It cuts through light grease and dirt easily, though proper black drivetrain clag needs something more substantial.
Because of this, the coverage isn’t quite as good as non-foamy sprays. You also have to be quite precise with it; it’s quite easy to miss a squirt. In the grand scheme of things though, you don’t waste quite as much this way.
Most importantly, it's effective, and leaves bikes clean with relatively little effort on your part. Juice Lubes Dirt Juice does the task perfectly, and it’s fairly cheap too.
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