Video: The Dudes of Hazzard Fellowship of the Party Ring

We don't need to tell you this most recent edit from the Dudes of Hazzard is good. We also don't need to tell you that you are in for 12 minutes of expert cornering, riding style beyond belief and a hilarity that only the 'Dudes' can muster. Get that cuppa, sit down and shake your head in disbelief at cornering skills on offer here.
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So the story goes:
The Fellowship of the Party Rings was formed as a brotherhood among members of Fort William's "Dudes of Hazzard" collective. Its purpose was to take The Landship III vessel into the heart of Harris in search of magnificent precipices and slithering brown serpents. With the rest of the World unaware of their perils, the collective, fuelled by Party Rings, deal with all they encounter and return triumphant.
"Three companions- so be it. You shall be the 'Fellowship of the Party Rings'."
Words: Dudes of Hazzard
Photos by Brodie Hood