Reserve's new Fillmore valve promises to revolutionise tubeless set up

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Liam Mercer

Tech Editor here at Liam can also be found photographing bikes as well as revelling in cycling's intricacies. Whether it's gravel, mountain, or e-MTB as long as it's a bike on dirt, he's happy.


2 years 8 months ago

The only downside I see is that one chan't easily check sealant levels without cracking open the tyre.

2 years 8 months ago

The only downside I see is that one chan't easily check sealant levels without cracking open the tyre.

2 years 8 months ago

If they have solved the clogging issue, can do the first inflation without taking the core out, then replace the core to see if the tyre holds air then remove the core to add sealent far, then I'm in.

And in Ti with an oil slick anodising of course.

Real world testing please.

2 years 8 months ago

If they have solved the clogging issue, can do the first inflation without taking the core out, then replace the core to see if the tyre holds air then remove the core to add sealent far, then I'm in.

And in Ti with an oil slick anodising of course.

Real world testing please.

2 years 8 months ago

These are for people with more money than brains, and I'm really tempted to buy a pair.

They work with standard presta inflators.

2 years 8 months ago

These are for people with more money than brains, and I'm really tempted to buy a pair.

They work with standard presta inflators.

2 years 8 months ago

Tubeless valves are a constant source of annoyance in various ways. If Fillmore have redesigned valves to make them more suitable for tubeless, then props to them. It's their call what to charge, you don't have to buy them, and cheaper versions are likely to follow.

2 years 8 months ago

Secret_squirrel wrote:


£40 for 2 valves?  Are they insane.  Does it need a pump head adapter too?


Looks like it should work with a standard presta-head pump.

2 years 8 months ago

£40 for 2 valves?  Are they insane.  Does it need a pump head adapter too?