The only thing you need to attach to your bike frame - GÜP

GÜP Industries (pronounced “goop”) is an all-in-one tyre sealant and inflator that seals and inflates tubeless tyres after a puncture. With a new distributor, Cyclorise on board, US brand GÜP is now available in the UK and will be the final thing all the 'enduroists' out there will need to attach to their bike frame!
It is pitched as an ‘emergency parachute’ for those times when a flat could finish your ride and looks ideal for racers or as a viable replacement to carrying an emergency inner tube.
The one-use can is compatible with Presta & Schrader valves as well as the incorporated latex-based formula being able to plug 3mm+ punctures in tubeless and tubular tyres; 1-2mm punctures for inner tubed tyres. It can inflate a 29 x 2.4” tyre to 29psi, making it a viable tool to keep a rider from bailing during an Enduro race and can effectively seat a tubeless tyre. The sealant also successfully mixes with most latex-based sealants on the market.
Cyclorise co-owner Thomas Dibley says “We are stoked to be selected by GÜP Industries as their representative in the UK market. Not only is GÜP a tremendously functional and reliable product by itself, but it compliments our recently launched range of Lourí Straps which has an emphasis on packless riding. GÜP is the perfect accessory to the growing ‘packless’ trend".
One can of GÜP will cost you £14.99, it's a fair bit more expensive than an innertube but it could mean that you don't have to worry about riding more carefully or having to use increased tyre pressures as you might with an innertube. Weight wise the can and strap with 143g, so in the ballpark between a lighter smaller tube and a larger, heavier 29er one.
GÜP Industries stock is due to arrive with Cyclorise Ltd in the UK at the end of March, we'll be attaching one to our bikes as soon as we can and are looking forward to seeing the results - be gone emergency inner tube!