Cycling snake oil: How to spot dodgy marketing claims

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Jon Woodhouse

Jon was previously the editor here at Whether it's big days out on the gravel bike or hurtling down technical singletracks, if it's got two wheels and can be ridden on dirt, then he's into it. He's previously been technical editor at, editor at What Mountain Bike Magazine and also web editor at Yes, he's been around the houses.


4 years 1 month ago

A 100g stem is 0.01% of the overall weight of a 10kg bike

1%, or 0.01, not 0.01%


4 years 9 months ago

Big one for me is aero gains from the frame, the wheels, the tyres, the bars, the out front Garmin mount. All of these are massively outweighed by the rider's position so if you haven't got the best aero position, the rest is irrelevant!