3 years 1 month ago

ktache wrote:

So i did find in "cowbell mode" you could wiggle the bars or pump the bike around to make it ring but for smoother riding, where you can get a thumb to use the striker, regular bell mode worked fine. 


ktache wrote:



Does puming the bars a bit, to compress and release the forks make it ring?




Pumping, I meant to write pumping.

Where is the edit function?



3 years 1 month ago

Sriracha wrote:


I guess the main thing with a bell, which is difficult to replicate in words, is the sound it makes. Maybe best to have a video of it side by side with some kind of reference?


thanks a lot for the side by side comparison! I have a Spurcycle and a Timber! on my bars and wondered if this was a good replacement.

Shorter ding than the Spurcycle but not bad either. 

3 years 1 month ago

I've got a Timber! Trail Bell (see which looks very similar bar the additonal striker. 

It was actually a really good most of the time, particular around town, shared use paths, cycle lanes etc. The cow bell sound did an excellent job of gently letting people know someone was around (assuming no ear wires). However, there were two flaws that meant it now languishes in the draw of left over bells, old bike lights, mounts and other assorted stuff that probably should go to the tip.

Firstlly, and not such a big-deal, it was useless in emergency warning situations, which it sounds like they've fixed with addition of extra striker.

The second, and thing that killed it for me, was that when the going was rough and fast, i.e. just when you least want to be faffing to turn it off, it made such an agressive, unpleasant racket that it would scare horses and upset walkers in the next county - let alone those you might want to try and get past in the next hundred yards.

If these guys have figured out how to fix the crazy, unpleasant ringing problem down, then I'd be interested in the update.

3 years 1 month ago

ktache wrote:


Does puming the bars a bit, to compress and release the forks make it ring?


Pumping, I meant to write pumping.

Where is the edit function?


3 years 1 month ago

ktache wrote:


Does puming the bars a bit, to compress and release the forks make it ring?


Pumping, I meant to write pumping.

Where is the edit function?


3 years 1 month ago

Does puming the bars a bit, to compress and release the forks make it ring?

3 years 1 month ago

I guess the main thing with a bell, which is difficult to replicate in words, is the sound it makes. Maybe best to have a video of it side by side with some kind of reference?

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