The 6 best ways to find new mountain bike and gravel bike trails

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Jon Woodhouse

Jon was previously the editor here at Whether it's big days out on the gravel bike or hurtling down technical singletracks, if it's got two wheels and can be ridden on dirt, then he's into it. He's previously been technical editor at, editor at What Mountain Bike Magazine and also web editor at Yes, he's been around the houses.


4 years 3 weeks ago

Method 6, just riding around looking for turnings I've never tried before, has often worked well. However, in Swinley Forest I do sometimes find myself on deer trails that kind of peter out in dense bushes & ankle deep bog sad. When that happens I'm ever so glad of the waterproof socks!

4 years 3 weeks ago

For me it usually goes like:
1. plan a road route with Strava or let Garmin navigate you.
2. end up on some gravel or worse track
3. follow this or hope to find back to the road

Also good: try to improve your VeloViewer Explorer Score or Max Square, that forces you to seek new trails.