Orange Bikes unveils the Phase AD3 adaptive mountain bike

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Jessica Strange

Residing in the valleys of South Wales, Jessica Strange is our editor at You'll probably find her on either a mountain or gravel bike in the Afan Valley Forest, either riding or guiding visitors around the trails. As a qualified bike mechanic, if Jessica isn't riding her bike, you can bet she's tinkering with one! When not fettling with bikes or blowing her legs out on the trails, self-proclaimed tea-addict Jessica is a colossal sci-fi fanatic.


3 years 5 months ago

My daughter has cerebral palsy - when she's older, if she wants one of these I'd be absolutely delighted to get one.

3 years 5 months ago

Front end looks a bit over-engineered, but that might just me not understanding what the adaptions may be for.

Part of me is hoping Michael Bonney is looking down and approving of it.

Link fyi :