Six tips to upgrade your winter cycling experience

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Suvi Loponen

Tech writer

Suvi joined in 2022 as a tech writer and brought in her enthusiasm for gravel and long-distance riding. She's a lover of underbiking and exploring on the bike both on and off-road, especially if it means finding more great cafes and some good viewpoints. 


4 years 2 months ago

A bit of a unicorn request but I'd add shoes that don't take days to dry. Seemingly such a thing doesn't exist which I can only put down to shoe designers not riding in British conditions. With waterproof socks and trousers deployed they don't actually need to be waterproof, they just need to be quick drying. No-one is making a serviceable flat shoe/boot that does this job. If its really sloppy and absolutely throwing it down I've started riding in neoprene horse riding boot. Just make sure you're wearing trousers over them otherwise you'll get some right odd looks...