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Jon Woodhouse

Jon was previously the editor here at Whether it's big days out on the gravel bike or hurtling down technical singletracks, if it's got two wheels and can be ridden on dirt, then he's into it. He's previously been technical editor at, editor at What Mountain Bike Magazine and also web editor at Yes, he's been around the houses.


KoenM's picture
4 years 8 months ago

Same thought here, every mtb reviewer (especially US and UK reviewers) forgets there is such a thing as XC, there are still people who ride up a hill before going down one, ow and even like it, who would've known! 
Hey Jon get out the bikepark once and a while and try some real mtb (what u think is old-school), here in Belgium we only have a few bikeparks and 90% of the people here own an XC-mtb because that's what u need here not an downhill bike (hell with handlebars above 700mm u can't even ride most trails because the trees are to close)!

4 years 8 months ago

I'd tend to agree with behemothprocycling above - it's maybe not a hardcore trail thrasher, but at £600, of course it isn't going to be. Looks like fairly traditional/conventional cross country geometry with some fairly sensible touches other than maybe the rear-facing seat clamp.

4 years 8 months ago

Looks like another decent bike let down by a poor review. Not everyone wants to be part of the long low and slack trend with a front wheel kicked out miles in front like a Harley chopper, and anyone who tells you a dropper post is essential is simply wide of the mark. I wonder if I should stick to towpaths with my 90mm stem? 

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