Can you use a road bike helmet for mountain bike and gravel riding?

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Lance Branquinho

Lance Branquinho is a Namibian-born media professional who graduated to mountain biking after injuries curtailed his fascination with trail running. He has a weakness for British steel hardtails, especially those which only run a single gear. Lance is an award-winning writer who has contributed to myriad piblications all over the world including Cyclingnews, Bike Perfect, MBR, Topgear, TopCar and Car magazine.


2 years 5 months ago

I wore a mtb specific helmet years ago when I just rode mtb but once I started riding cx and road and now gravel I just wear the same road helmet for all of them! If it's good enough for XC Pro's it's good enough for me! Also I find a lot of the mtb helmets now look a dorky and overkill unless you're riding downhill and Trail parks!

2 years 5 months ago

I wore a mtb specific helmet years ago when I just rode mtb but once I started riding cx and road and now gravel I just wear the same road helmet for all of them! If it's good enough for XC Pro's it's good enough for me! Also I find a lot of the mtb helmets now look a dorky and overkill unless you're riding downhill and Trail parks!

2 years 5 months ago

TBH the peaks on modern MTB helmets are now so far above the eyeline (or so they appear to me) that I do wonder if they actually do offer any sun shading. But hey, you can get that pro look of sticking your goggles up there.