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Liam Mercer

Tech Editor here at Liam can also be found photographing bikes as well as revelling in cycling's intricacies. Whether it's gravel, mountain, or e-MTB as long as it's a bike on dirt, he's happy.


Liam Mercer's picture
3 years 9 months ago

It's certainly a shame about the pocket but its position doesn't render it totally unusable. Light things aren't as flappy as a phone or multitool. Otherwise they're excellent shorts that I've come to use quite a lot!

Sriracha wrote:


They're cycling shorts. How come, for £70, they can't get cycling-specific details right, like the pockets? 


3 years 9 months ago

They're cycling shorts. How come, for £70, they can't get cycling-specific details right, like the pockets? 

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