VroomBag Review

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Jim Clarkson

Lakes based mostly mountain biking type, with the odd foray into gravel, 'cross and even road. Fuelled by coffee and porridge. Driver of Van. Known to race at times. Happy place being out the door and in the hills - local or further afield, all is good with two wheels in the dirt. 

Product reviews

The VroomBag is simply a huge waterproof bag that acts as a super-sized changing mat - you can get out of all your sweaty, mud covered kit, and keep it all in one place, keeping your vehicle and house cleaner. It's an extremely tidy solution to a messy problem.

First off, the mat is big at 50” wide. It has a double-sided lining, with an inner made from softer fabric that protects your bare feet from the floor. This makes it plenty big enough to stand on, take off muddy kit and shoes, and do all that post ride stuff. The outer is tougher, heavier fabric that is then drawn together with the outer cord and secured with a handle. It means you keep all your kit in one place, and there isn’t the issue of water escaping in the boot of your car, as can happen with Ikea bags and the like.

There are two mesh pockets that are handy to stow essentials while changing. The only drawback to this is that muck and moisture will be in the same area, but its good for keeping litter, multi-tools and anything else that need to be separated out. 


It's made from heavy-duty nylon and is plenty tough for car park use, or if you are able to change in your vehicle, keeps from scratching the floor. It comes in its own carry case, which I ended up using as a bag for the essentials like keys and phone that I wanted to keep safe and crucially dry. 

Once drawn up, it's easy to cart around your kit from vehicle to house and I tend to load mine up before a ride with the kit I need so it sort of acts as a prepped bag. It’s dried out quickly and a brush down brings it up clean.

I had some concerns that the nylon layers may be slippy, but that's not been an issue, and the construction is super solid, you could easily get a few peoples kit into this, which is handy if you have kids or riding partners who you don't want covering your vehicle in muck.

It's a well-made product and built with a good level of thought. It’s made the end of rides an easier process, which when tired, cold or wet, the fewer things to think about are a welcome bonus.

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