E-bike tech - what to expect in the future

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Lance Branquinho

Lance Branquinho is a Namibian-born media professional who graduated to mountain biking after injuries curtailed his fascination with trail running. He has a weakness for British steel hardtails, especially those which only run a single gear. Lance is an award-winning writer who has contributed to myriad piblications all over the world including Cyclingnews, Bike Perfect, MBR, Topgear, TopCar and Car magazine.


4 months 2 weeks ago

Came for an article about e-bikes based on the heading ... got an an article about e-MTB instead.

Cheers /



One of the most significant advantages that e-bike engineers have, as opposed to those working on EVs, is that e-bike riders don’t require rapid recharging, simplifying the battery chemistry needs. You’ll never plug into a charger in the middle of a Scottish highlands trail system or while linking remote trails in the Alps. 



Is that right?

Some of us non-MTB riders would love to be able to hit the gravel trails, and do 200km / 3000m of climbing with the ability to fast charge at a coffee stop, so we don't hold up our non-assisted companions.

Guess we don't count then.