Are ceramic bearings worth it?

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Lance Branquinho's picture

Lance Branquinho

Lance Branquinho is a Namibian-born media professional who graduated to mountain biking after injuries curtailed his fascination with trail running. He has a weakness for British steel hardtails, especially those which only run a single gear. Lance is an award-winning writer who has contributed to myriad piblications all over the world including Cyclingnews, Bike Perfect, MBR, Topgear, TopCar and Car magazine.


Liam Mercer's picture
1 year 4 months ago

Most of the time ceramic bearings use ziraconium ceramic balls in stainless or hardened steel races. When we refer to ceramic bearings we're talking about ceramic hybrid bearings which use ceramic balls with races of another material. 

levestane wrote:


"Committed mountain bikers who don’t stay home on the worst days of winter can benefit from the durability and longevity of ceramic bearings"

As far as I can tell the bearings shown have steel races. These will rust and the iron oxide will be as hard as the zirconia balls. If the races are ceramic then environmental resilience might be better?


1 year 4 months ago

"Committed mountain bikers who don’t stay home on the worst days of winter can benefit from the durability and longevity of ceramic bearings"

As far as I can tell the bearings shown have steel races. These will rust and the iron oxide will be as hard as the zirconia balls. If the races are ceramic then environmental resilience might be better?

1 year 4 months ago
