Video: Bike Park Wales new 'Trail Diaries' series - Boomslang DH track
With 11 crew members working hard to create and maintain trails at Bike Park Wales, it takes a group effort to run the site smoothly, keep its trails gnarly where they need to be, and keep it fun all year round. The trails are the main aspect of any bike park. That gives each one its unique quality and keeps riders wanting to return. Followed closely by the cafe, of course.
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The new Trail Diaries video series will show behind the scenes what’s involved in keeping the country's biggest Bike Park running. In this first episode, they unveiled Boomslang, the all-new, technical black downhill track. The series will take you through the year when the crew has been out in all elements, cutting new trails, revamping the old, and dealing with the challenges along with the ride. The series aims to tell the story with incredible characters about building and looking after the UK’s most extensive trail network.
With each series, you can expect raw footage as if you were tagging along with the crew throughout the journey. Each month, BPW will release a new episode with a glimpse into the varied lives of the crew.