Bottom bracket replacement advice


needing to replace a bottom bracket on the hellcat but i'm pretty much getting nowhere fast..

the existing is a Chin Haur which seems to have been packed with butter.......or other useless type grease (or maybe not even)

So, the size is 73x127 (DEFINITELY 127!) and Halfrauds - even though they sell the hellcat - say that is not possible as they only list 122.5.. f*** sake.

Took the bracket out and showed the guys but they still adamantly said it should be 122.5 so i asked them to order a 127 and they took it on...

Still waiting for the bracket and they now say shimano don't make a 127...but they did order it and said they had ordered a 127...getting annoyed yet??? 

Gonna bite the bullet and save me pennies up to go for a hollowtech hopefully but i have no idea or experience with what exactly to order for model, size, spacers et cetera. I am more than adequate spannering (desmodronic valve systems are a doddle) so just need help with what to specify..any help please?




6 years 9 months ago

Jon Woodhouse wrote:


Sounds like a right faff - but upgrading to something like Shimano Hollowtech II is probably a good move - amazing how much weight you can save by ditching a solid steel axle...

Nice thing about HT2 is that unless you have Boost hub spacing (I'm 99% sure the Hellcat doesn't) then one axle does everything.

For a 73mm shell and an external HT2 bottom bracket, you'll only need one 2.5mm spacer on the drive side.

That said, if you want to get to the bottom of the axle length woe, let me know the make and model of the chainset and the year and I can ask some people who (should) know...



Cheers Jon,, very very much appreciated

6 years 9 months ago

Many many thanks John,,,probably the only sensible and understandable comment I've heard over the past week.. I'll be back soon with most likely loads of questions and I'll try and post the route for sorting it...thanks again and have a good un

Jon Woodhouse's picture
6 years 9 months ago

Sounds like a right faff - but upgrading to something like Shimano Hollowtech II is probably a good move - amazing how much weight you can save by ditching a solid steel axle...

Nice thing about HT2 is that unless you have Boost hub spacing (I'm 99% sure the Hellcat doesn't) then one axle does everything.

For a 73mm shell and an external HT2 bottom bracket, you'll only need one 2.5mm spacer on the drive side.

That said, if you want to get to the bottom of the axle length woe, let me know the make and model of the chainset and the year and I can ask some people who (should) know...

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