New search bar and scrolling homepage added to

We've evolved! Being a pretty new website, just over a year old now, we are always hard at work developing the platform and bringing you the best user interface we can so you get the most out of the time you spend with us. Today the computer whizz's on the team have launched an update to the website which includes a new search bar and also continuously scrolling homepage.
The new search bar is located in the menu bar at the top of the page and you can now use it to find reviews, features and news to read until your heart's content. It's got an autocomplete function too, meaning if you are looking for SPD shoe reviews and type in 'SPD' to the search bar, for example, it'll give you a list of articles with 'SPD' in the title.
The homepage also will now continuously scroll, so rather than just a week or so's worth of content you can read the news and reviews from as long back as you want to scroll. It's pretty quick too, getting the below screenshot required some fast fingers!
We know you've been asking for these updates for a little while now and we are pretty stoked to have finally delivered them! If there is anything else you want to see or think we can do better, let us know in the comments below.
In the meantime, we will continue to age like a fine wine and, well, ride a lot of bikes!