11 things you should do as soon as you get a new bike

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Jon Woodhouse

Jon was previously the editor here at Whether it's big days out on the gravel bike or hurtling down technical singletracks, if it's got two wheels and can be ridden on dirt, then he's into it. He's previously been technical editor at, editor at What Mountain Bike Magazine and also web editor at Yes, he's been around the houses.


4 years 2 months ago

Love this list.  I might also add - change the saddle, first to one of the collection in your Big Box Of Old Saddles and then to a Charge Spoon like everyone else and all your other bikes.

Are we excused from the doing-a-wheelie step if it's a 24kg ebike?  Asking for a friend.  Because my friend is a bit scared what might happen, especially if the wheelie is power-assisted.

4 years 4 months ago

In that case might I suggest you don't bed the brakes in. First time I hauled on MTB hydro discs I almost went over the bars. Blame years of rim-braked road bikes Smile

Modern MTBs, even cheap ones, are so much more capable in every way. The only downside is probably complexity.

Yearofthegoat wrote:


Great tips. My new ride arrives next week, covid-willing.

The kids have had new Islas over the years but this is my first new bike since 1994.

Disc brakes? Seat dropper?

I've got a lot to catch up on laugh


4 years 4 months ago

Great tips. My new ride arrives next week, covid-willing.

The kids have had new Islas over the years but this is my first new bike since 1994.

Disc brakes? Seat dropper?

I've got a lot to catch up on laugh

4 years 7 months ago

inicholson wrote:


You missed out: fall off, getting your first scratch on the frame (and probably bending a brake lever)


Did that the first time I put the new bike on the car rack. Gutted, then I realised it's an MTB so it's only a matter of time before it gets some more

4 years 7 months ago

You missed out: fall off, getting your first scratch on the frame (and probably bending a brake lever)

4 years 7 months ago

12. Put your pedals on it, not whatever it came with

13. Colour code seat clamp and headset cap (sorry, is that a roadie thing to do?)

14. Buy a dropper post if it didn't come with one.